Krištof Kintera
kombinovaná technika
29,5 x 21 cm

Roman Trabura
tempera on paper
24 x 34 cm

Peter Demek
From the series Facade Ida, Id wall railing
square steel profile
Jakub Tajovský
Fig. introspection
glup and ink transfer on canvas
100 x 120

Jiří Petrbok
Family Album Cycle
mixed media
60 x 35 cm

Jiří Topínka
acrylic on canvas
85 x 65 cm

Jan Šrámek
Little Room
print on canvas
82 x 129,5 cm

Iveta Plná
acrylic on canvas
75 x 70 cm

Filip Nerad
For Fighters Not Lovers
computer animation
akkamiau music
1:54 min.

Josef Bolf
I’d like to pick up pieces of your heart once it breaks apart for someone
drawing on paper
31 x 22,5 cm

Jan Šrámek
Little Bear Boy in a Housing Estate
print on canvas
82 x 130 cm