Iveta Bradáčová
Dvojice z naší vesnice
akvarel na akvarelovém papíře
20 x 15 cm

Marek Meduna
Categorical Statement
computer print
40 x 40 cm

Petr Dub
I love you!
200 cm

Petr Cabalka
watercolour and email on paper
75 x 58 cm

Jakub Hošek
Too Late or Too Dead
acrylic on canvas
85 x 195 x 21 cm

David Adamec
VHS Cycle, Le Magnifique
acrylic on sololit
160 x 25 cm

Patricie Fexová
Compact Discus-throwers Cycle, SF2
acrylic on canvas
180 x 129,5 cm

Jakub Hošek
The Bird, the Dog and the Shirt Are Attacking the Skinhead
acrylic on canvas
85 x 81 x 20 cm

David Adamec
VHS Cycle, Night of the Living Death
acrylic on sololit
160 x 25,5 cm

Barbora Motlová
oil on canvas
90 x 110 cm